about me

★ lera (darium is fine too), she/her, 20 y.o.
★ ukr/rus/eng/deu
★ intp
★ you know... adhd
★ bachelor of humanities in philology



i quickly grow bored of things, but i never really stop liking them

basic stuff
★ sci-fi, cosmology
★ languages, mythology
★ conspiracies, true crime
★ horror, sometimes gore

and I am proficient in none of these things.

fandoms (those i might post about, the list is... extensive)
fav characters (some of them, at least)



anime & manga
★ naruto
★ gintama
★ hunter x hunter
★ shaman king
★ neon genesis evangelion
★ cowboy bebop
★ samurai champloo
★ serial experiments lain
★ golden kamuy
★ ghost in the shell
★ The Ancient Magus' Bride
★ totsukuni no shoujo
★ made in abyss
★ cheese in the trap
★ anything by junji ito
★ anything by satoshi kon

★ hp and methods of rationality by
Eliezer Yudkowsky
★ the three body problem by Liu Cixin
★ anything by edogawa ranpo
★ anything by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu


★ touhou
★ danganronpa
★ zero escape
★ kimi ga shine
★ ace attorney
★ ghost trick
★ mass effect
★ transistor
★ undertale
★ stardew valley
★ pokemon
★ dating sims

tv shows
★ hannibal
★ doctor who
★ Mr. robot
★ any tokusatsu

★ vocaloid
★ red vs blue
★ homestuck
★ magnus archives
★ buzzfeed unsolved
★ виагра и валерий меладзе

fav characters

time-tested feels
